Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Death Cults

     "We're all ready to go. If you tell us we have to give our lives, we're ready. All the rest of the sisters and brothers are with me."-Reverend Jim Jones, 1978...Then nearly 1000 people drank cyanide-laced Kool-aid.
Reverend Jim Jones

     Suicide or death cults seem to be a twentieth century phenomenon: the Charles Manson 'ritual murders' in 1969; Jim Jones and his followers-Jonestown, Guyana in 1978; David Koresh and the 'Branch Davidians' at Waco, Texas in 1993; Shoko Asahara and his 'Aum' cult-Tokyo subway sarin gas attack, 1995; the 'Heaven's Gate' mass suicide in 1997.

     Charles Milles Manson was born in 1934 in Cincinnati, Ohio to a 16-year-old unmarried teenage.  He believed his murders would help precipitate an apocalyptic race war. At the time the 'Manson Family' began to form, Manson was an unemployed ex-convict, in and out of prison and had spent half of his life in correctional institutions for a number of offences.
Charles Manson

     He had been a singer-songwriter on the fringe of the Los Angeles music industry, which perhaps explains, in part, his interest in the Beatles' song Helter Skelter, a term which he adopted and used in reference to his anticipated apocalypse.

    On July 25, 1969, Manson sent  Family member Bobby Beausoleil to the house of acquaintance Gary Hinman, to persuade him to turn over money Manson thought Hinman had inherited. That turned into the first (known) murder by the 'family' and was 'immortalised' when Beausoleil used Hinman’s blood to write 'Political piggy' on the wall. the murder of Hollywood actress. The destiny of Manson's group culminated with the murder of pregnant Hollywood actress, Sharon Tate, the wife of film director Roman Polanski along with a number of other victims. 
Robert (Bobby) Beausoleil

     On the night of August 8, 1969, Manson directed four family members to go to 'that house where Melcher used to live and totally destroy everyone in [it], as gruesome as you can'. Manson had told one of the women to 'leave a sign... something witchy'. As instructed, one of the Manson family members used the towel that had bound one of the victim's hands, and wrote 'pig' on the house’s front door, in Tate's blood. In April 2012, still in prison, Charles Manson requested parole and, at the age of 77 years was denied. His next chance for request for parole will be at the age of 92.
Jonestown, 1978
     The Reverend Jim Jones took his flock of over nine hundred on a mission to found their own secure piece of paradise in South America, where in November 1978, he made them all - men, women and children - drink cyanide-laced fruit drink (see post: The Reverend Jim Jones).
     David Koresh (1959 –  1993), born Vernon Wayne Howell, was the leader of a Branch Davidian religious sect, a group which were shismatics from the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Koresh believed himself to be the group's final 'prophet'. Like Manson, Koresh was the product of a teenage pregnancy.
David Koresh

     He established their headquarters at a ranch about 10 miles out of Waco, Texas which they called the Mount Carmel Center. Allegations of child abuse and confinement led to assault of the complex by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) on February 28, 1993 then by the F.B.I., resulting in a fire. Barricaded in their building, seventy-six Branch Davidians, including Koresh, did not survive that fire.
     Shoko Asahara was born Chizuo Matsumoto on March 2, 1955. He is a founder of the Japanese religious group group Aum Shinrikyo. Asahara was the mastermind the 1995 sarin gas (nerve gas) on the Tokyo subway, an assault  which killed thirteen people and resulted in side effects in thousands more. He faced 27 murder counts in 13 separate indictments and was sentenced to hang in  February, 2004.
Mount Carmel Center, Waco, Texas

     Heaven's Gate was an American UFO religion, based in California, founded by Marshall Applewhite (1931–1997) and Bonnie Nettles (1928–1985). On March 26, 1997, police discovered the bodies of 39 members of the group who had committed suicide in order to reach an alien space craft which they believed was following the Comet Hale-Bopp, which was at its brightest. Heaven's Gate members believed that Earth was about to be 'recycled' (wiped clean, renewed, refurbished and rejuvenated), and that the only chance to survive was to leave it immediately.

     There have been many more, including groups in Africa and Australia but this bent towards self-destruction isn't a recent phenomenon in human history: the 'Thugees' of the Kali sect in India, date as far back as the 8th century AD; the 'Assassins' of the 11th century in what is now modern-day Iran; the 'Skoptsy' of 18th century Russia (see post: Stranger Than Fiction)

"We're all going to heaven if we just do it right!" Jim Jones.

"What fools these mortals be."-Puck, A Midsummer Night's Dream

     Click on the link below for 'Heaven's Gate Cult Initiation' tape-Part One.
     *Apocalypse: subject of research for the novel  The Tao of the Thirteenth God - Amazon Kindle.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Hunab Ku

     'Hunab Ku', the name of the supreme Mayan god translates into English as the 'Sole God', the 'Only God'. But whether Hunab Ku was a real Mesoamerican diety or rather a transformative figure (established by Spanish missionaries, 'invented' by Franciscan friars) from the pantheon of Mayan deities to a monotheistic, more 'Christian' form of worship is unclear. Hunab Ku, like the Judeo-Christian 'Yahweh' was said to be without form, incorporeal, invisible (see post: Invisible/Hidden Gods).
Altered Symbol of Hunab Ku

     Hunab Ku, in some writings, is associated with the Mayan 'creator' god, Itzamna, this possibly being another attempt to draw a resemblance between Hunab Ku and the one Christian 'creator' god. Perhaps what makes the background of this god less than clear is the fact that there have been no sculptures or paintings of Hunab Ku, either before or after the Spanish conquest (after all, Hunab Ku was alleged to be an 'invisible god').
     There exist only symbols that represent the deity, much like there are symbols that represent the god(s) of the sun. These symbols of Hunab Ku, however, have been altered and changed over time and even used in reference to other native cultures (ex Hopi) that did not have the concept of monotheistic creation.
Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel

     The first mention of 'Hunab Ku' is in the sixteenth century
'Diccionari de Motul' and in the 'Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel' (17th and 18th centuries).
     Other researchers state that Hunab Ku was 'the god of gods' who rebuilt the world after the three deluges and that the god Itzamna was his son. Several new age beliefs have latched onto the concept of Hunab Ku associating the deity with symbols of
     Freemasonry, monotheism, other symbols such as a 'square within a circle' or a 'circle within a square' and the expression: 'You are my other I'. The term Hunab Ku has been 'translated' by some as meaning 'all of the Consciousness that ever existed in the Galaxy'.
'New Age' Hunab Ku Symbol

     It seems that with the destruction of most of the original copies of the Mayan holy book, the 'Popol Vuh', the glyphs and other possible references to a pre-Hispanic Hunab Ku cannot be firmly established.

     Spanish translations of the 'Popol Vuh' by the overly zealous Franciscan clergy (the same group that destroyed the originals), are thought by many to be unreliable, omitting much and adding when 'needed'.
The Popol Vuh

     We will likely never know whether Hunab Ku was a real deity within the Mayan pantheon or whether he was simply a mechanism invented by the missionaries to 'ease' them into Christianity.

     *Mayan religion and the apocalypse: subject of research for the novel  The Tao of the Thirteenth God - Amazon Kindle.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Radiation from the Sun

     In the event of a coronal mass ejection (CME), the earth
coronal mass ejection
is hit by 'solar energetic particles' (protons, electrons, heavy ionized particles). The initial wave of the strike creates a 'geomagnetic storm' warping the planet's protective magnetosphere, essentially thinning it on the side receiving the brunt of the blast. Extreme auroral events are triggered and 'electrification' of the atmosphere occurs (see post: The Carrington Event).

     But this, alone, with exploding electrical transformers and disruption of navigation and communication systems may be a relatively minor problem for human-kind. This non-ionizing form of radiation (which includes visible light, thermal radiation, radio waves) is not powerful enough to 'knock out' electrons from atoms or molecules (thus, non-ionizing).
Electromagnetic Spectrum

     But the geomagnetic storm is not the entire punch of a CME. The more threatening tempest associated with a CME event occurs in areas where life forms are unprotected. Astronauts in orbit or populations on 'day-time' areas of the planet (the surface where the magnetic shield has been thinned or stripped) face the full force of the 'second' phase of the assault, the plasma eruption from the sun.
     Within the sun's ejectile are high-energy particles including protons, resulting in ionizing radiation (a 'solar proton event'), knocking out electrons from the atoms of their targets. This can destroy electronic circuits and, being an electrically-charged particle mass, will also cause extreme auroras. But it is the effect on living tissue by this ionizing radiation that is most dangerous - DNA changes, breakdown of cell-wall integrity, all leading to 'radiation poisoning' and rapid death or the triggering of cancerous transformation. This results in the destruction of ALL living things in its path - plants, animals, microbes. Nothing to eat. Only radio-active water to drink.
     X-rays, gamma-rays and neutrons (other forms of ionizing radiation, some more penetrating than others) all make up the plasma that our star can spew towards the earth during a coronal mass ejection.

     It would take a large coronal mass ejection and probably one that would have to be a direct hit on the planet for complete stripping of our magnetic shield and penetration of the ionizing particles down to the planet's surface.
     But what if this does occur? What do you do? Where do you hide? What do you eat? How do you survive?
     *Solar radiation: subject of research for the novel  The Tao of the Thirteenth God - Amazon Kindle.

Friday, May 24, 2013

You Have Been Warned

     Our society today has grown dependent on its communication systems, its guidance/navigation systems, its electronically-monitored economic system...The list goes on and on.
Coronal Mass Ejection
     One effect of a direct hit by a CME (coronal mass ejection) would be similar to the blast of a nuclear bomb in the lower atmosphere, causing electro-magnetic disruption of power supplies that would pull down land-line as well as mobile phone systems, internet and cable communications. The complex electronics of orbiting communications satellites would be destroyed, resulting in malfunctioning or complete shut down of global positioning and aircraft navigation systems. The orbit of satellites would begin to degrade, eventually leading to their re-entry into and 'burning up' in the atmosphere.

     High altitude air travel (such as most long distance commercial flights) would result in significantly increased exposure of passengers and crew to ionizing radiation, especially if the flight were to cross over either of the earth's poles where the magnetosphere (part of earth's radiation shield) has been thinned, warped or even removed by the pulse of the CME.
     Any astronaut unfortunate enough to be in orbit (even within the spaceship or space station) would be exposed to even more radiation, likely a lethal dose.

     On the ground, the electrical grid would see transmission relays explode, spontaneous ignition of flammable material (ex telephone poles) and melting of metal wiring.
Disruption of the Magnetosphere by a CME
     Another perhaps more far-fetched result of a direct hit by a CME is the 'flipping' of earth's own magnetic poles and the triggering of wide-spread volcanic eruption throughout the world.

     The pulse of the coronal mass ejection would not be felt on the side of the earth facing away from the sun (that is, the night side of the planet). But the exposed side of the globe, if the blast is strong enough to (temporarily) sweep the magnetosphere aside, would receive extreme doses of ionizing radiation, destroying the membranes of cell bodies and disrupting DNA, killing any and all unprotected living thing that may be in its path.

     *Solar radiation: subject of research for the novel  The Tao of the Thirteenth God - Amazon Kindle.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

When the Sun Grows Angry

     The 'solar cycle' reflects magnetic changes in our star, seen in the change of position as well as magnetic polarity of sunspots. It was discovered and first described by German astronomer Samuel Heinrich Schwabe in 1843. This cycle waxes and wanes every 11 (earth) years. The last solar cycle (cycle 23, by human count) peaked in 2000-2002 then decayed to its low in 2008. A new cycle (solar cycle 24) began in that year. The 'solar maximum' is expected to occur sometime in 2012 (2013?).
Samuel Heinrich Schwabe
     A 'solar maximum' implies increased solar magnetic activity - more sunspot changes, more solar flares and possibly a 'solar storm'. To what degree a solar storm affects our planet depends on the severity of the storm itself as well as whether the storm on the sun takes place on an area that directly faces the earth or at an angle, either resulting in a 'direct hit' of our planet or simply a glancing blow.
     In early 2012, a mild solar storm hit our planet resulting in brilliant auroras at both poles - electromagnetic radiation of a benign nature that showed us once again the beauty of nature (see post: Fire in the Sky).
Solar  Flares ('Storms')
     Solar storms launch energy into space in three pulses: 1. electromagnetic radiation (much like an atmospheric nuclear blast) that results in effects on the earth's magnetosphere causing remarkable auroras and, in more extreme cases, warping or thinning of our protective shield. 2. proton (ionizing) radiation from deeper inside the sun. Space-bound astronauts, unprotected by our atmosphere may be at risk of exposure to these 'deadly rays'. 3. 'Coronal Mass Ejection' (CME) - expulsion of the sun's plasma that strikes our planet.

'Coronal Mass Ejection' (CME)
     These pulses can travel at speeds of up to 4 million miles per hour. With the earth only 93 million miles from its star, that gives us less than 25 minutes once a first pulse is launched!
     In the year 2012, our planet was hit by severe solar storms. During the week of March 5, 2012, the earth was witness to increased solar 'rage'. But a big one? Has our lonely blue planet ever been struck by a large CME? A direct hit? What happened?

     *Solar radiation: subject of research for the novel The Tao of the Thirteenth God - Amazon Kindle.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Winds of the Sun

     A Brief Summary of Sun Activity: Our sun is a star, a roiling mass of magnetism, chemistry and physics. It creates the 'solar wind', a normal flow of electrically-charged particles (electron, protons) that stream out from the corona (the sun's upper atmosphere) at over 1 million miles per hour.
 The 'Solar Wind'

     Our earth itself behaves much likes a large magnet as well, its own magnetic field (magnetosphere) extending from pole to pole, protecting the planet from the assault of the solar wind and the radiation pulsed out from the sun itself.
     'Sunspots' are points on the solar surface, darker than the surrounding regions, triggered by the sun's own intense magnetic activity. 'Solar flares' are bright spots on the sun's surface (usually located in the area of sunspots) which release huge masses of energy (electrically charged particles and radiation, from radio waves to gamma waves) through the corona and into space.
     The 'solar (magnetic) cycle' is a variation in solar sunspot activity, cycling through 11 years. The cycle results in a change in frequency and pattern of sunspots which relate to a change in the type and amount of irradiation launched from the sun towards the earth. It is the presence of the earth's magnetic 'shield' which protects us from most of the harmful effects of the sun's discharge.
     'Space weather' is the change in environment (charged particles, radiation) in the space between the atmospheres of the sun and the earth.
     In 364 BC, Chinese astronomers were the first to document sunspots. In ancient Greece of 300 BC, Theophrastis recorded the strange activity on the sun's surface. Throughout the Middle Ages, further observations were made but it wasn't until Galileo that it was understood that these 'spots' were signs of activity on the sun itself; an important point since, up until then, scientific and religious thought had held that all celestial bodies were 'perfect and unchanging spheres'.
Cosmic Rays Changing the Magnetosphere

     So then, what happens when 'space weather' changes? When 'solar flares' become more active? If the magnetospheric shield of the planet is altered?...What happens when the 'Winds of the Sun' turn fierce?
     *Solar radiation: subject of research for the novel  The Tao of the Thirteenth God - Amazon Kindle.

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Mayan Calendar and the Long Count

     The Mayan civilization of Mesoamerica is known for many things including a hierarchal and structured society, warring ambitions, human sacrifice, abandoned cities overgrown by jungle, monumental pyramids and an astute knowledge of the heavens. Mayan astrologer-astronomers could predict solar eclipses and named the stars.

     The Mayans kept time with the use of three different dating systems that worked in parallel: the Haab or 'civil calendar' consisted of 18 months each of 20 days with 5 'extra' days added at the end of the year to make 365days in all (they were aware that the true length of the year required an additional 1/4 day each year but it is unclear how they compensated for this within their system); the Tzokin or 'divine calendar' with a combination of 2 'week lengths': a numbered week consisting of 13 days and a named week consisting of 20 days;and the Long Count (astronomical?) calendar.
Mayan Calendar

     The Long Count calendar was divided into 5 units: one 'kin'=1 day; one 'uinal'=20 'kin'; one 'tun'= 18 'uinal'; one 'katun'= 20 'tun'; and one 'baktun'=20 'katun'. Each unit also had divisions and was numbered so as there were: 19 'kin'; 19 'uinals'; 19 'tuns'; 17 'katuns'; and 13 'baktuns'.
     Notice that 1 'baktun' (equal to 20 'katuns') is the same as 144,000 days or 'kin'. There is that number again! (see blog: The Chosen Ones). The Mayans wrote down their Long Count dates from right to left, using their numbering system (fun with numbers?) making:
the beginning of the world (or era?) or the day of creation.
The Long Count calendar

     According to this Long Count system, creation took place in about the year 3114 BC (by our current system), and the end of the world will take place sometime between December 20 and 22, 2012. The Mayan calendar, however does 'renew' itself and continues with a new count beginning after our December date of 2012.
     Does the end of this Mayan Long Count really signify the end of the world or simply the beginning of a 'new age'?
     Archaeologists working at the Xultun ruins of the Mayan civilisation have recently (May 2012) reported striking finds, including the oldest-known Mayan astronomical tables.

     This site, in Guatemala, includes the first known instance of Mayan art painted on the walls of a dwelling. Researchers believe that the one of the rooms building was used as a writing room, and made up part of a complex associated with the work being done by Maya scribes.
Painted Wall at Xultun
     Several finds related to astronomical tables, including four long numbers on the east wall that represent a cycle lasting up to 2.5 million days. The east wall was covered by tabulations of black symbols or glyphs' (see post: Glyphs) which map out various astronomical cycles: that of Mars and Venus and the lunar eclipses.

     This Xultun find is the first place that all of the cycles have been found tied mathematically together in one place, representing a calendar that stretches more than 7,000 years into the future.
     Perhaps by coincidence, astronomical predictions show that, for the first time in 26,000 years, our sun will align with the center of our galaxy (the Milky Way) between December 20 and December 22, 2012.
Mayan Calendar at Xultun

     How did the Maya know this? Does this mean anything? Some predict that this alignment will cause catastrophic changes on our planet.
...'You have been warned.'...But that may be the subject for another post.
     *Mayan religion and the apocalypse: subject of research for the novel  The Tao of the Thirteenth God - Amazon Kindle.